A Programmer Attempts His First Poem

Poetry by | March 1, 2015

Let me be straight:
when it comes to typing away
string after string of code
I can be quite verbose
but sadly, not poignantly so.

Now, I’m trying my hand at something
less mechanical,
(“less” here, I’m sure you’d agree
would be a gross understatement)
more evocative,
more personal,
and therefore more than I’m capable of
at least for now.

Feel free to write me off
on account of my newness at this craft;
but fault me you can’t
for lack of trying.

Hello world!

James lives in Cagayan de Oro City and, at the time of writing, is taking up Chemical Engineering at Xavier University. Occasionally, he wishes he majored in English instead… But meh. He writes, for the most part, just because.

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