Here’s to
weaving girl dreams and woman fantasies
dancing unrehearsed to one another’s beat
sharing heart stories, health teas and therapies
savouring fleeting joys in both cold and heat.
Here’s to
crying lonely then bursting into laughter
laughing uncontrolled till eyes brim with tears
looking exotic in floor-length silky wear
feeling as pretty in mix-match garbs at ukay sale.
Here’s to
cooking veggies and herbs in wild abandon
holding placards, wearing white, in noonday passion
mixing dizzying drinks into sweet love potion
speaking to crowds on women issues with ardent devotion.
Here’s to
watching bewitching fireflies, stars and moon
turning earth-spirit filled with compassion
loving intensely, hurting so deeply
bathing glorious in the waters of life’s mystery.
Mary Lou Caharian found her scribbled poems in now yellowed notebooks. Her waking moments are spent on gender education, peace-building and promoting transformative politics. She hopes to continue to do serious writing in-between for posterity and much-needed sanity at this very challenging time.
i remember this poem, Belo…the one you gave me on my 50th bday! more, more! AMC
Hi Belo,
Your poems remind me of Benny in Marawi. We are back in the Philippines… take care Mick