The Pilgrim

Nonfiction by | November 8, 2009

beggars circle tables
dogs circle carrion
the lover circles
his own heart


One occasion in my childhood changed my life forever. It was the arrival of a Sony Trinitron television in our home. Being the latest technology of that period, it was a departure from the electronic appliances that resembled pieces of furniture.

It was the last years of the Marcos era. In those days, television broadcasts in the province started at four o’clock in the afternoon with Batibot, followed by a back-to-back Christian cartoons, Super Book and Flying House. Music videos aired just before the evening news.

Coming home from school one afternoon, I switched on the television and saw a blonde girl with a headband and ridiculously large plastic earrings. She toyed with boys under a street sign, mouthing lyrics I barely understood. Soon I memorized the chorus of the song – Borderline — and eagerly anticipated the music video every afternoon. The singer, I learned, was Madonna.

Continue reading The Pilgrim


Poetry by | December 7, 2008

gimingaw na ko sa davao
sa baho sa durian,
sa kahumot sa barbikyu sa
sa kalami sa ice cold beer sa bakbak,
c5, taboan…

gimingaw na ko kang
na nagsuroy og maruya kada
alas tres sa hapon –
gisum-ol na ko
sa potato chips,
“hastang parata!”
sa kagahi sa bagel
na gipalit sa bruegger’s.

Continue reading Mingaw