
Poetry by | April 12, 2009

in the intricate
magnificent web of circumstances
the blooming flower
stays in the center
as the great experiencer
to learn and relearn
the art of
purifying oneself.
my life
is a
sacred ritual.

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Endangered Pink Road and Sunflower Streets of Mindanao

Nonfiction by | April 5, 2009

Travel is the trendsetting lifestyle in the planet. The Venusian backpack is now virtually galloping from
one island to the next for many reasons: some maybe looking for men, some looking for love, some wanting to see places, and some maybe for work. Why do women travel? How are they different from the way men travel? Women may bring extra clothes all the time, for they are privileged to decorate themselves. An extra scarf will make a difference.

One of my most beautiful travel experiences are my journeys with women. It is travel by intuition rather than linear guide book driven. Women always carry candid open secrets, real meaty stories for they pay attention to details and listen to their hearts. They can hear the wind, touch the clouds and dance in water. These are the magic in women.

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