
Poetry by | September 2, 2012

The pain of past loves lost caused my eyes to close
Till you came into my life and made me see again
The different shades of green on grass and leaves
Peaceful blues filling the endless sky
Pure innocent whites on the clouds passing by
Different colors of people young and old
The full color spectrum my eyes could behold
But now that you’re gone the colors have turned grey
And I am closing my eyes again.

Jose Antonio Andres finished his AB in English from the Ateneo de Davao University in 2010.

Coming to Davao

Nonfiction by | September 7, 2008

Coming to Davao is the most important decision I’ve made in my life so far. I had felt then that I would regret this decision, which is why I don’t remember the date when I made it. But it was in late May of 2007, and my parents and I were discussing about where I would go to continue my studies. Certain circumstances had forced me to look for another school other than the one I had attended for fourteen years.

I was given three options: to transfer to a “lesser” school in Manila, or to start working at a call center while taking a short computer course on the side, or to move and study at the Ateneo De Davao University and so at least maintain the name of my previous school.

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