Purple Box, Part 2

Fiction by | September 16, 2012

For sure mother wouldn’t mind if I went to the party as sometimes she herself got home late. I didn’t ask her permission. In the first place, she didn’t care. Unlike my grandparents who’d freak out if I was late and they didn’t know where I was.

Tim’s family was not there and so he was free to do everything for his own party. Even though we were still in high school and minors, he prepared heavy drinks for us. I felt awkward seeing the girls who were invited by my guy classmates. Some of them were older than us. I felt bad for Marco for he had the least good-looking partner…

After a sumptuous dinner, we played some games. Video games, turn-the bottle, and even card games. I was enjoying myself, although I kept wondering if mother had opened the gift I had given her? Even out of curiosity?

Continue reading Purple Box, Part 2

Purple Box, Part 1

Fiction by | September 9, 2012

“Margarette? It’s 6:35, hurry, please!” my mother called out as she knocked on my bedroom door for the third time.

“In a moment…” I replied with a bit irritation in my voice.

I was still sleepy, but after hearing all the noise made by my mother in the kitchen, I decided to finally get up. I rubbed my eyes, walked to the bathroom, and splashed some water on my face. The water in the pail was cold, and I paused for a moment. If I took a bath, it would take time. So I just wetted my hair and washed my face. I had to hurry. I didn’t want to make her angry early in the morning for it was her — special day. Was it really special for her?

Continue reading Purple Box, Part 1