This Stolen Moment

Poetry by | September 12, 2010

It feels right to lie
down on these sheets
damped with our own sweat.
It must be like falling
in love with them,
as I for you,
where we hide
ourselves, naked
like truth, secured enough
to let go of our fears
tonight that I’m the one
whom you fix your eyes on.
Not him. Not even
his eyes, dazzling of love-
promises, like the diamond
you let him wear
‘round your finger.
Like the pearls
he surprised you
after your first, I wish
your last, anniversary kiss.
Unlike our love alone
that can’t afford
to objectify itself
through those shiny stones.
Tonight I can care
less. Or not at all. Since there’s
no absence of heat
when it comes to your touch
like you do to me
on these sheets we have
rented for a short time.
Like each chance
your lips warm the chill-
worn cracks of mine
that makes me realize
how cold the night
like the accusation
of the world outside
that says we’re wrong.

Gino studies at Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan, Cagayan de Oro City.

9 thoughts on “This Stolen Moment”

  1. gino! kudos! let’s just say i could relate to this. that’s how good this poem is… 😀

  2. kuya jayson, ralph andy and rhino thanks for the kind words. Erika, oh my, sinuko mo na and bataan? You must have considered starting your eroticas.

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