
Poetry by | April 13, 2008

A happy childhood, I had one
But now, finding myself alone,
is like reality slapping me on the face,
painfully… mercilessly…   agonizingly slow… deadly…
Yet I’m alive,
Yes, I’m alive
not because I’m fortunate,
not because I’m given another chance
But because…
it would be unfair for the world
to see me get away with it
while others cannot
I have to feel the pain
I have to bear the hurt
I have to cry
I have to die…
Then live again,
For what? For whom?
I’m alone….


Poetry by | April 13, 2008

shattered once
  died twice
the world is founded
  on naught but lies…
broken vows
  broken dreams
a life not fair
  and full of schemes…
walking without knowing
giving without taking
trusting and believing,
loving…. then … dying…