The Davao Writer's Workshop: Funnest Summer Ever

Nonfiction by | May 23, 2010

I decided to stop writing almost a year ago for certain personal reasons. But becoming a part of the workshop made me reevaluate things. The moment I stumbled on the announcement of DAGMAY (online page of the Davao Writers Guild) calling out for aspiring writers to submit pieces for the Davao Writer’s Workshop 2010, I got a jolt I couldn’t ignore. I felt I should give it a shot. What the hell, if they ignore me then it’s not for me; but if I get accepted—well, I’ll have to see where it goes.

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Tiny Stolen Moments

Poetry by | May 9, 2010

i tuck my soul along with its wings
inside a small soap box under my bed.
in its place are white uniforms and a cap
chasing money trains to purchase their dreams

yet once in awhile, on stolen seconds just like this,
for a little air; i gingerly take them out
feed a little sunlight
dust off pleading cobwebs
while sewing the edges of my moth-eaten dreams.

True to the persona of the poem, Iryne is a clinical instructor drawn to poetry. The panel praised this piece for its genuine voice and its melancholic rhythm.