What I Sent You at 12 a.m. on Father’s Day

Poetry | July 15, 2024

For Rowena

Perhaps, it doesn’t matter, you will think
Of him, this man, so often, that when
You were a child you would do
The obvious thing: Don’t leave me.
You didn’t understand then
But the woman you are now would say,
It embarrassed you to think of this man
To long for him, love him in his absence
It would shame you that you misunderstood
What you understand well now: Don’t.
Leave me is your way to remember
You are not that child anymore
Leave me is your way to say: I love you
To honor this man, your father
And acknowledge that: Weak men
Can be fathers too.

Sunshine C. Angcos owns PrintWaves Davao Book Publishing, a small printing and publishing business which caters for self-published writers.

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