Inside a Locked Room

Poetry by | July 15, 2024

Your fingertips
brush my scalp
as you pull my hair,
pushing my head
in between your legs; your hand
guiding my direction
and my head follows
like the limbs
of a marionette, slaved
to the strings
of the puppeteer.

You lay
your head back
as you reach ecstasy—
sweat crawling
from your neck
to your bosoms, mixing
the traces of my kisses;
leaving a faint scent
of saliva,
like the faded remnants.
of your lipstick
in the collar
of my white dress.

But a knock
from your mother
disintegrated our woven desires—
you pointed
to the direction
of the wardrobe, your arm
extending like the hands
of the clock, reminding me
that our time is up.

You pick
your lingerie up
as I fit myself
in the closet,
folding my limbs;
trimming myself
to the measurement
of the familiar territory.

You went to the door
and buried me
inside the casket
of our bedroom journey.
You wanted me dead,
but the coffin
kept creaking,
It is finally out
in the open;
I bled rainbow
as I walk away;
and you squinted
your color-blinded eyes
that can’t take my hues.

Reggie Faye Canarias studies a Bachelor of Arts in English major in Creative Writing at the University of the Philippines Mindanao. Their works have appeared in the Literary Folio of the Philippine Professional Association of Transgender Health and in Dagmay Journal. They were a fellow to the 21st Ateneo de Davao University Summer Writers Workshop.


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