This morning I said thank you for coffee
To those dead village people that discovered it
Then I thanked the rain
I think you have to be in the right place and the right time
to be genuinely grateful for rain
Then I thanked my leg
And then I thanked my other leg
Then I said thank you for not having cough
Then I said thank you color pencils
Then I said thank you regular pencils
Thank you toothpaste
Thank you grenades
Thank you ugly babies
Thank you jackpot prizes
Thank you Jackson Browne
Thank you radio stations
Thank you Christmas lights
Thank you computers
[Continue thanking as many things/people as you please]
Jomer Macapaar Pajares is a 22-year-old writer born in Marawi City. He is currently studying Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education at Eastern Samar State University. If not writing, he draws on MS Paint.
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