Sea Glass

Poetry by | June 3, 2024

We are shards washed onto the shore.
Where do we come from?
Nobody knows exactly. Maybe
from a drinking glass slipped
out of a child’s little grip,
or from a smashed bottle of red
after a broken off engagement,
or from an honest reflection shattered
by the clenched fist of body dysmorphia.

Brokenness reduced us
enough to be discarded to the sea.
And so, we cut the water’s rough skin.
The undertow cradled us downward
and into violent ocean currents,
rolling and tumbling in the churning waves.
The odyssey rounded off our sharp edges
so that we never cut a loving hand.
Broken by man, but we were refined by nature
until the upwelling lifted us up to the shore.
There, we fit like perfect puzzle pieces,
drank the light of countless suns and seven moons
then shone it back to the world until
the hands of the riptide claimed us back.

And we will ride another current again
that leads to new shores
where we will meet new weathered pieces.
Maybe we will meet again. Maybe not anymore.
But just in case nevermore, remember
that we shared the same sun
and we shared the same storm
because we once shared the same shore.

Christian C. Castronuevo is a Sagittarius and a Turbulent Mediator (INFP-T), currently in Davao City, a creep in Ecoland mouse-eating at 7-Eleven, no permanent address, pays rent, and earns money for the next flight.

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